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"Cowboy Poetry" Internet Group - Mark Munzert - Group Moderator

Mark Munzert just asked me to join the "Cowboy Poetry" Internet group that he moderates. I will be submitting some of my Western Images. Mark chooses  Western Photography, displays it, then  asks the cowboy/girl  poets to submit a poem.  This is gonna be a cool project.  Mark has spent a lot of time out West with some of the biggest cowboy poets. Naturally he has nationally famous  cowboy poets following this internet group.  I am honored to offer my photography as an inspiration to these western wordsmiths! I also   discovered the amazing Western photographer of  "100 Years, 100 Ranches," Scott Baxter, submitted his photography also! Dang!  Mark - I appreciate your reaching out to  me and my photography collection.  I know it  takes this  kind of support to get ones  talents out there.  I have a large body of photograghy work that spotlights all things Western, and it needed some air and light!!!   Sue Clark  www.SuePhotography.com

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